
其實不用別人說我也感覺到自己明顯的胖了很多呢,可是我也試了不少的減肥方法呢,可就是還是沒能讓自己瘦下來,我也是沒有辦法啦!本來想準備放棄減肥呢,說是這麼難看就這麼難看吧!不在折騰了,可是當我同事給我推薦抽脂的時候,我還是願意去嘗試一下呢,因為我也想回到自己以前的 身材呢,畢竟我結婚之前才只有九十斤,可是在看看現在的自己,以前的衣服都穿不上了,所以等我做了抽脂之後,我也沒有想到我又回到了以前的身材了。



where to stay in Taipei

Now the weather is gradually warm, is to go out when the tour of the best, so it is not a tourist when ah. I’m ready for my spring. The election to decide to go to Taipei, had long admired the scenery there. To reserve the hotel before. I where to stay in Taipei in the above searched the hotel, there are many looks very nice hotel. I where to stay in Taipei in the election for a long time do not know which to choose a, really is the choice of disorder. I decided to ask one of my friends what a good, because she often went there on business, must be more aware of the. She where to stay in Taipei in the above seem to find a good hotel recommendation to me.

unlimited hosting

These days, we also made a unlimited hosting, but the unlimited hosting was not very good use, now our company’s server no card, then our company with the unlimited before hosting, because we are more and more projects, server motionless on the card can not be used, but also often the missing file, that time to this, have tired for a while, but then I was in line to see the unlimited hosting, then give us the company made several unlimited hosting didn’t want to have a very good use, now used up very convenient. What also won’t appear the question cards.

シンガポール 求人

大学毕业也该找工作了,可是在找工作的时候我不是有些迷茫的,我真不知道自己要找一个什么样的工作。前两天我出去找工作的时候看到了一个シンガポール 求人的广告,我仔细的看了一个这个シンガポール 求人信息,感觉还不错,工作的要求和条件 我都非常的符合,而且薪次待遇方面也非常的不错,所以我就想去シンガポール 工作,可是我现在还没有给家人说我的这个想法,我还不知道家人会不会同意我的这个想法。

invest japan

Just my friend told me that invest Japan enterprise in the recruitment of it, I think I must to take advantage of the opportunity to go to the interview, because we all know that invest Japan is a great Real Estate Company do, if I can work in their company’s men’s words, is certainly a can get social recognition ability, then later find girl friend that is be an easy job to things, I am very happy, because I have been very want to be sure of my future mother-in-law, but she also always abandon my lack of ability, I’m going to prove to her this time, I can be, I want him to be most willing to consent to our marriage.








中午和同事們我們幾個人一起去粵菜餐廳吃飯了,這次我們選的這個粵菜餐廳真是太棒了,不但環境好,而且菜品也是非常的不錯,雖然我之前對粵菜沒有過什麽研究,但是我覺得今天中午的飯確實非常的不錯。在我們同事當中可有幾個南方人,他們說是今年在粵菜餐廳里的粵菜非常的正宗的。其實這個粵菜餐廳就在我們公司附近的,可是我也都已經在公司工作了也有一段時間了,可是從來都去過這個粵菜餐廳,今天中午的時候,我們一個新的項目成功完成 了,所以我們就出去一起小聚了一下。