


前幾天看到表弟的時候我真的都有些不相信,這才半年時間沒見到表弟,現在表弟已經比我都高出一個頭了,這讓我壓力非常的大啊,因為在半年前表弟的個子和我差不多了,每次 我們兩走一起的時候好多人還說我們兩是親兄弟,可是現在要是出去別人都拿表弟說是我哥。後來才知道表弟前段時間幫了轉骨,可是我也沒想到轉骨的效果這麼的好,可是長這麼的高,現在看到表弟的個子,我也是好生羡慕,所以我也想去給自己做一個轉骨了。

where to stay in Taipei

Never have to worry about the where to stay in Taipei the problem, when friends came to Taipei to give me this hotel is too good, I also have to think of yourself first to Taipei what all don’t know, I don’t know where to stay for the night. Then I put their case to a friend said, friends quickly on the Internet to I booked a hotel, but also I said carefully about the location of the hotel, so I went to Taipei, I went directly to the hotel, did not expect that the hotel is very good, but the price is very cheap, so if after Taipei again I do not have to worry about where to stay in Taipei.