tokyo hotel

我的父母很辛苦的養大了我和我的姐姐,如今我們都已經大學畢業了,有了自己的旅遊公司,想讓父母休息,不讓他們再辛苦工作了,我的父母開了一家tokyo hotel,他們說他們自己賺錢很開心,也覺得生活的很充實,後來來我們公司的遊客都介紹到了我父母的旅館里,所以我父母開的tokyo hotel的生意非常的好,他們說,他們自己賺錢花很開心。他們告訴我說,我的一個鄰居的叔叔,就是跟女兒一起生活了,女兒心疼父母,不讓父母做任何事情,他們反而覺得不快樂呢。



rfid applications

Friend let me accompany her go to a weekend of science and technology conference, said she wanted to know about the rfid applications, listen to the friend of the things I said yes, but I also do not have things to busy at the weekend, and I also have a focus on science and technology that aspect recently, friends listen to what I just said that science and technology developed very fast in recent years, say they are prepared to do a about the planning of science and technology, said she’d like to learn more about science and technology that now things, listen to the friend of the things I said today she is good to know about the rfid applications developed is quite quickly now, and a lot of things in our life are useful to the inside, very good.





cctv installation singapore

In the school when the teacher gave us the popularity of various security systems, and is now the development of the society to understand the essential part of the security system, the teacher not only gave us a variety of domestic, but also the way to tell us about the CCTV installation Singapore, listen to the teacher when the teacher could feel know too much it did not hold back, back I asked the teacher how did he know CCTV installation Singapore, he said that in fact he also don’t know much, but he has a friend in Singapore this line of work on CCTV installation Singapore so well, listen to him more, he will remember the monasteries, this is just to give you about science, after go out also not to know.

日本 留學

好,今天的課就講到這,還有5分鐘,我剛好說一下週五有一個日語講座,到時候帶你們去聽聽,多了解一下,那講座是講什麼的呀老師,是講日本 留學 相關的,你們去聽聽不是剛好,大二或者大三之後想要繼續深造,去日本 留學 的話,現在了解一下剛好,這次講講座的這個也是幾年前從我們學校畢業的學姐,這次剛好回來,順便可以給你們講講日本 留學 的事宜,讓你們能夠提前了解一下,不至於一無所知,你們有什麼問題都可以問問,她都會給你回答的。

solar energy monitor

Has always been a idea is to give the home to install a solar energy monitor, the results did not think this is also really have a chance, because a lot of people told me recently, now the solar energy monitor is also really is particularly good, is because I see my good friend home also has the solar energy after the monitor is feeling is very good, so this time I think begin or is too soon to home installation of the solar energy monitor, feel with this solar energy after the monitor is still really have a lot of sense of security, the solar energy monitor is also really is very good, especially now with the still has a lot of people.

wifi egg 日本

之前就聽朋友說是wifi egg 日本上網特別的方便而且網速也是挺快的呢,這次我去日本出差的時候我就體驗了一下wifi egg 日本沒有想到網速還真是挺快的呢,從日本回來之后我就給朋友講wifi egg 日本上網確實挺快的呢,朋友聽了我講的事情就說她上次去日本旅遊的時候就用了一段時間說是上網特別的快,挺方便的呢。說是她從那以后就特別喜歡用wifi egg 日本上網呢,聽了朋友講的事情我就說那真是挺不錯的呢,我在日本跟她發的那些視頻都是用wifi egg 日本發的呢。

freight service

Before and so many companies, but let me feel the highest efficiency is freight of service company, but the company inside the industry one of the best, now think that my vision is simply too good, otherwise I will not do this with professional cooperation inside the company, but since and freight service company cooperation efficiency follow our company to improve a lot, in addition to the company not only very good service attitude and efficiency is very good, but we save a lot of heart in this respect, if not to cooperate with such a professional company before, so we can not estimate company development well, I could not let people around me praise.