我沒有想那麼多,只是在說到要來東京的時候,我就選擇在tokyo hotel裡面住宿了,我覺得要是來東京,不在tokyo hotel裡面住宿的話,那真的是挺遺憾的,所以我就想著是在這個tokyo hotel裡面體驗一下,我現在就在這個tokyo hotel裡面了,我覺得這個tokyo hotel還是很不錯的,在這個tokyo hotel裡面住宿的人特別的多,住著也是很舒服的,我覺得出門在外,住的舒服才是最重要的,而且我就是喜歡tokyo hotel裡面的這種環境,所以我覺得自己選擇在tokyo hotel裡面真的是對的,因為這樣的酒店我真的是很喜歡的。
data center security
雖然我對他們的工作不懂,但是我知道data center security對他們公司真的是很重要的,而且我覺得吧,要是這樣的話,他們就應該多加強一些關於data center security的防範,這樣的話,他們的這個data center security就不會出現問題了,朋友在一家數據公司裡面工作,他經常會給我說起一些關於data center security的知識,他說是這個data center security要是出現問題的話,他們的工作就會受到很大的影響的,所以我覺得對於像他們那樣的公司,data center security真的是太重要了,所以朋友在學習關於這方面的知識時,我還是很支持的。
surveillance camera singapore
I had to surveillance camera Singapore is not very understanding, but they say you see the surveillance camera Singapore is really good stuff, so if you feel good, then you can use it, also do not have so much psychological pressure, I said what I doubt now will not. I think, I can fix things, I won’t trouble people, but what can I do to what extent, also want to see what I can do, so that is to look at myself, now I do not care so much, I can do, I will try to do you have other, don’t ask me, I think I now the pressure is really great, I also do not blindly to listen to what you say.
日本 房地產
這次好不容易的有機會就是去那個日本 房地產工作,我也還真的是很開心的,因為我上次就是去那個日本 房地產應聘的時候也是沒有成功的,不過這次我就又看到了這個日本 房地產的一些招聘信息了,所以我也就想我在去試一下呢,看能不能成功的,結果是沒有想到這次也還真的是成功了,真的是特別的開心的,因為這個日本 房地產也是我們這里有名的公司的,我想在這個日本 房地產公司里面工作的話一定會是特別的好的,結果也還真的是沒有想到就是特別的不錯.
graphic design singapore
What is the usual weekend feeling nothing, so this time I also wanted to have the opportunity is to learn more, I did not expect just to see the graphic design Singapore in enrollment, so this time I also want to learn about is the graphic design Singapore, the result is not think of the graphic design Singapore is really very happy, but here the people also really many, but this time I also did not think of the graphic design Singapore now is also really good, because I also want to learn special design, this is an the opportunity, so I will not let go, I think I will learn.
outdoor router
If you really want to do one thing, then you must be ready before, when I started going to open a company, I do not want to buy things such as router or outdoor, they say you want to go see your company is outdoor router, I said in fact, sometimes I do not know my company need what kind of things, but they have some very professional advice, I certainly will listen, because you would not understand those things, then you must listen to what they say, in fact, I think sometimes you also have your own ideas can, not because of what they say what you have heard.