

Taipei hotel near mrt

My girlfriend and I are in the understanding of the Taipei MRT near the hotel, to go on a business trip, I was then lived in hotel, near the Taipei MRT in the hotel I have half a month, I met my girlfriend now, she was also in Taipei MRT near the hotel, she come to Taipei to play, in order to facilitate in the Taipei MRT near the hotel, and I also is the customer request to live in the hotel near Taipei MRT, perhaps this is the fate, until now, I remember when we first met, for the first time to have a meal, a date… Is hotel near the MRT in Taipei, we now have a holiday will go to Taipei MRT nearby hotel back into memory.

台北 鳳梨酥

這段時間女兒又喜歡上了吃台北 鳳梨酥,每天我從學校接她回來的時候走到那家剛開的美食店門口她都要我給她去買一些台北 鳳梨酥。有時候回家邊飯都不願意吃就只吃台北 鳳梨酥,看到她這樣我可真是沒辦法,誰讓我這個台北 鳳梨酥這麽好吃呢,其實我也挺喜歡吃的,這個台北 鳳梨酥的店也是前兩個星期剛開的,剛開的時候每次從哪經過的時候人都特別的多,所以我也好奇就就進去看了看,也買了一些吃的。不過挺好吃的,女兒特別的喜歡,從哪以後女兒就特別的喜歡吃台北 鳳梨酥,每天都我買給她。




從小爸媽就教導我學好英語是很重要的,但是那時候對於學習總是很厭煩。雖然成績不是很差,但是也不屬於好的行列。英文的水平也是不怎麼高。後來到我工作的時候才發現,英文真的是很重要的。尤其是職場英文,這可是工作中必不可少的工具。現在才開始後悔了。不過我覺得我現在意識到的話還是來得及的,我準備去報一個職場英文的培訓班, 現在有很多地方都是有這種培訓班的,我想在短時間內提高職場英文的能力,現在就要好好努力了。



Taipei Japanese restaurant

West Street is one of Taipei’s most popular tourist night market, said it was a commercial street, and convenient transportation, and the Taipei Japanese restaurant is really delicious. Xin Ye buffet, Xin Ye in Taipei has a lot of, more than one dish of authentic Japanese cuisine, and eat! His house is very big, the position also need to queue for admission. I really like dessert, there is a Hokkaido cream cake, cake taste is soft, the inside of the cream is good, the per capita consumption of around 150. Taipei has a lot of good things, not only Japanese cuisine, Taiwan cuisine is also very local characteristics, people still want to eat eat, so what? Taipei Japanese restaurant yo!

wood panel

After college, it’s good to have a foreign boy in our class, because after all, this is China, for most from small local students, foreign students have a really strange eyes, every class will not consciously in his eyes, he’s really good-looking ah, big big eyes. Long eyelashes, high bridge of the nose. The first two days, I heard a girl gave him chocolates, flowers what like, let the other boys were very jealous. Because we are learning the art, so to go and buy some art by wood panel, he went to the store to store by English said wood panel? The boss asked immediately silly, don’t know what it means, and finally we help him solve everything, Chinese bad foreign friends are really cute.


都说是吃了魚油的话对眼睛好, 我就想着那我要不也不给自己买几盒魚油先试试,因为我最近工作比较忙,而且我们公司基本上都要用眼睛呢,比较费眼睛,于是我就让我一个在美国工作的朋友给我买了几盒魚油寄回来,因为我知道美国的魚油特别的好,再说了吃美国的原装的魚油我吃着也放心啊!毕竟这是吃的保健品,所以我平时就特别的注意,于是我吃了几盒之后,就发现我的眼睛再也不像之前那么容易感到疲劳了,而且眼睛也不会看着电脑动不动就流眼泪了。


爸爸妈妈计划带着爷爷奶奶去台湾旅游,于是让我给他们安排在台湾的旅程和住宿。我给他们安排了去垦丁的游玩,因为一个朋友刚和家人去垦丁游玩回来,他一直对我说那里的景色很好,当地人也很热情,我听了以后觉得这次爸爸妈妈可以带着爷爷奶奶去感受一下。考虑到住的问题,我在网上搜索了 台湾垦丁酒店推荐预订 找到了华泰瑞苑垦丁宾馆。询问同事后发现他上次也是通过 台湾垦丁酒店推荐预订 找到了华泰瑞苑垦丁宾馆并且入住这个宾馆,他说这个宾馆环境很好,他全家人也都很满意。听了他的话,我通过 台湾垦丁酒店推荐预订 了华泰瑞苑垦丁宾馆,希望爸爸妈妈能对我的安排满意。