hotel in Taipei

A trip to Taiwan, was living in the home of friends at home, but the house is too small, can not tolerate more people, so a friend took me to hotel in Taipei, not to say sorry to me. Really home house person did not blame him, not embarrass him also constantly reply he said nothing, but before the hotel in Taipei live, this is the first time, the heart of a no idea, just paid hurried way in my room going to the United States and the United States sleep, second days to get up early to go where I want to be happy to play one day, originally did not think, but stayed there for a night when I suddenly fell in love with here, very adequate sleep, like back to the home, the journey has been said to a friend not stop.







日本 不動產 投資

表弟近來想搞投資,我們問他投資哪一個領域,他說他的目標就是日本 不動產 投資,接著他分析了一下目前日本 不動產 投資的發展狀況,理由特別的充分。我們好多人都聽完後都支持他的想法,並鼓勵他去做,努力的開創新天地。在我們的鼓動下,表弟的高級不動產投資的非常成功,收益非常樂觀,這都源於他不斷地努力和積極的進取,在投資方面可謂是一帆風順,基本上沒出現過大的差錯,信譽度很高,是一個很有商業的頭腦的成功人士。

osaka hotel

Have received a strange phone call a day, the phone the other asked if I’d like to say Osaka Hotel, provide remunerative. Because I was not ready, so tactful said to him to consider, to call him back, indeed, unemployment for so long time, you need a job to support my present situation, I would like to lie on the bed for several nights. Probably some entangled not calling, a week later the same phone again, after the detailed communication with each other, I made up my mind that I want to Osaka Hotel, two weeks later, I was to become a service personnel there, than I before the high reward multi.

japan hotel

The surrounding many colleagues say that Japan Hotel‘s service attitude is very good, often to the place before many times when they travel or visit. I with suspicion and curiosity, not only because they say are too attractive, also a long time I didn’t except play, companies are not the assignment to me, so I especially want to go to the Japan hotel experience, to see what they said is not true. After the first time home to open the computer, went to check all the information about there, maybe the friends says yes, they described above and the same, my determination and instantly set, while the company must go there to have a good holiday experience.

kyoto hotel

Studying abroad in Japan, there have been many times that his good friend to go to each place to play, I always feel here is really my honor, I learned a lot, also understand a lot, I remember the first time and friends to play, because we all enjoy relatively good time, so several people can accidentally into the Kyoto Hotel I had caught a friend’s clothes to pull him back, and suddenly the waiter kindly words ringing in my ear, very polite and we say hello, also ask whether we need to provide Kyoto Hotel’s help, we were her warm smile probation, so beautiful spent a night, after everyone says good service, continue to the next.

濱千鳥之湯 海舟

以前不喜歡出外旅遊,因為剛開始工作,工資也不是很高,於是我就一直呆在單位的辦公室中,儘量的努力工作,好好的賺錢孝敬父母。時間的推移,我的工作態度也獲得了周圍其他同事以及老闆的讚美,老闆還鼓勵他們向我學習。工資的漸漸提高,讓我有更多的能力向周圍同事一樣享受多姿多彩的生活,來豐富我單調的工作,這次大家都去了濱千鳥之湯 海舟,玩得都非常的開心,順便在濱千鳥之湯 海舟還拍了好多照片帶了回去。

日本 酒店

表姐找了一份工作,是在日本 酒店上班,剛開始的時候對那裏的好多都不是很熟悉,所以經常出錯,每次表姐就像我們訴苦說她一個月的工資本來就不高,最後因為工作中出現的失誤,經常剩下不多。我們都勸她認真一些,好好向別人學習,這樣出錯的機會就會越來越少,表姐在我們的鼓勵中不斷努力,她的成功令很多人都目瞪口呆,大家都說她在日本 酒店的表現非常令人滿意,酒店老闆在業餘時間也向公司的員工介紹表姐的精神可嘉。