My brother asked me to call Loan, said to be ready to buy a truck to earn money, but I’m also just bought a house, and now also for the mortgage of it, if the Loan to his words, we will be nervous, after I gave my brother say that finish, he said, is it doesn’t matter, it is not enough to ask financial Loan, I think that’s good, because a truck are also a lot of money, so we came to discuss good, brother to me to recommend him to the financial company Loan, because of the financial company Loan, nor any fee on time, as long as the time to the people, you can. Fortunately, my brother very smooth to lend money at hand.
invest japan
Now our branch company finally entered formal, it is really a special to celebrate, do invest Japan the project we have been considering for a long time, from the last time we have to do is investigated for a class project, until now the invest Japan finally scored, and or Japanese company was formally established, although say this time is busy for some, but see now that the fruits of his labor was still very happy. A little but the invest Japan this project to our company is also very important can not be ignored. We must do our best to be.
消毒 除蟲
兒子特別的喜歡小狗小貓一類的小動物 ,上次出去玩的時候老公給買回來了一個小狗特別的可愛的,可是兒子現在太小了,我 就怕他和小狗一起玩的時候小狗身上有細菌一類的東西,所以我就一直很擔心,後來朋友就給我介紹了一個消毒 除蟲的東西說是,勤給家里面消毒 除蟲就可以了,小孩也是可以和小狗玩的,看著兒子那麼的喜歡小狗我也不能說什麽,算了,那現在就多麻煩一下我好了,沒事的時間堅持每天給家里多多的消毒 除蟲。然後給小狗也是多洗澡就好了。
hualien hotel
Seeing those pictures Ali to travel to Taiwan to shoot good I have a little want to travel to Taiwan with her husband, night at dinner time I give husband told my friend Ali to Taiwan tourism thing, husband listened to my story and asked me Is it right? Also want to trip to Taiwan, heard the husband so ask I will tell the husband I want very much to go to husband, hear me say that he said he just this time work is not very busy. I have to go to the words he would take me to hear about my husband, that is really too happy, then I’ll tell my husband I want to arrange hotel in Hualien Hotel, husband hear I say just say no need for me to say he will be arranged in Hualien hotel.
hotel in Taipei
Every time you do not know how to do it when you have to ask yourself after you want to do, I now think like that, and when I went to Taiwan flat let my friend gave me looked hotel in Taipei the situation, he said, if you really want to go to station level, then the hotel in case of Taipei, I do not give you a check, I know what you can look for hotel in Taipei hotel, I said how do you so familiar what he said you did not know before I was to travel frequently, so that I am staying in a hotel or have their own understanding of things on the inside, so that I do not think there is any place can not do anything, it seems that my friend is still very helpful.
Ximending luxury hotel
Time in the afternoon after the director told me with my colleagues is to say with her boyfriend in the Ximending luxury hotel held a wedding to attend her wedding invites us to her university this week, we’ll agree. Home sister asked to do me this weekend back to the night, if I didn’t have anything to do it with her to go shopping to listen to sister story I will tell my sister to go to our company director wedding this weekend things, sister listened to my story and asked me to which hotel wedding I will tell my sister, is in the Ximending luxury hotel, sister listened to my story said that she had been very good hotel.