我是做建材生意的,前些年建材生意很是不錯,家裏的生活還是不錯的,偶爾還壹家人出去旅遊壹次,但是現在這建材生意很差,店鋪裏的客人很少,再這樣下去就該關門了,我告訴老同學我這邊的情況,他說現在的木質地板市場很好,木質地板主要是綠色環保,隨著人類環保意識的增強,木質地板都成了首選建材,隨後我趕緊的聯系到木質地板公司,給我的店鋪首先使用木質地板,就等裝修完工後我就開始銷售木質地板了,沒想到的是自己我們店里進了一批木質地板之後 生意真的不錯,特別是買木質地板的特別的多了。而且大家對木質地板評價也都非常的高。
Ximending boutique hotel
I never thought I would go out to travel is so convenient, I want to go out to play with my parents always do not agree, this time to go out and play with classmates, the results they agreed, my dad said I is not small, didn’t let me go because my age is small, do not know how to take care of themselves, now is not small, to play what is with me. I immediately in the Ximending Boutique Hotel booked the room, really did not expect I can talk with my friends go to ximending play, I thought this was not go out. In fact, I’m really looking forward to this trip, Ximending boutique hotel is my early on, my friend said to live Ximending boutique hotel best, so it will be there for a room.
Taiwan Taipei hotel
We go to Taipei tourism friends when put in the Taiwan Taipei hotel hotel arrangements did not think this hotel is a good friend of arrangement. After traveling back from Taipei I asked my friend how does she know that Taiwan Taipei Hotel, a friend told me that when she first day in Taipei is her cousin to go with her to the hotel is Taiwan Taipei hotel she lived once will feel pretty good so this time to come with me to Taipei tourism the hotel arrangements in the Taiwan Taipei Hotel, listening to friends talk about things I told a friend that she arranged very good hotel, I especially like the hotel, because their service there environment is very good, I like.
我給家裡買了一個空氣清淨機,當時也是因為朋友給我介紹,說是為了不讓孩子生病,或者是少生病,最好還是給家裡買個空氣清淨機吧!餓哦就是聽了朋友的建議給家裡買了個空氣清淨機,現在家裡的空氣好多了,而且我當時買的時候,剛好趕上商場搞活動,所以很划算的,只有平時價格的一半價錢呢, 當時我還讓弟弟給他們家也買了一個,前幾天弟弟見到我說是多虧我提醒他買了一個空氣清淨機,不然的話,現在要是買的話就貴多了,因為已經恢復原價了。我也很慶幸呢。
hotel in Taipei
Company to arrange my colleague Wang for a business trip to Taipei but Wang came to ask for leave in advance to Taipei to see her boyfriend, I had a person to go to Taipei, but I’m on the side of the Taipei hotel is not very understanding also don’t know how to arrange hotel. Evening with friends to my house to play I tell my friends I’m going to Taipei on business matters, friends listened to my story and asked me to arrange the hotel no I told my friends that I now hotel has not yet been decided, also don’t know arrangement which hotel. Friends listened to my story let me go to the hotel in Taipei Hotel, said that when she went on a business trip to Taipei is in before hotel in Taipei quite good.